Elvis Reps Meeting 2022  

Feb 012022

Subject: Elvis Reps Meeting 2022 Message from Martin Clarke February 1, 2022 8:57 am Hi all, I hope all are well and I’m looking forward to having a proper “get together” for this year’s Elvis Meeting which will be held on Wednesday 2nd March at:-
The Royal Forest Hotel 4 Rangers Road Chingford London E4 7QH
Please arrive 6.30pm for a 7pm start. I’m sure most of you know the venue as it is very near to the Orion Clubhouse and Chingford Station is just down the road. AS usual for those hosting races this year please come prepared with your preferred dates. Please confirm who will be attending from each club and any updates to the Elvis Club reps list for your club.
Welcome and Introduction
Setting of Race Dates – hopefully full 8 races this year without any Covid restrictions
Discussion on last years series 2021
Suggestions for any improvements – Starts/ Course Improvments /Rule Changes/ scoring etc
Sponsorship and End of Series Presentation
Best Regards Martin