Elvis Reps Meeting 1st March 2023 – Minutes
Mar 032023
Subject: Elvis Reps Meeting 1st March 2023 – Minutes Message from Martin Clarke March 3, 2023 10:08 am Many thanks to those attending the Elvis meeting and to Sally for taking the minutes. Please pass on these minutes to attendees that sat in for any club reps or anyone else with an interest.
Subsequent to the meeting George of EERR has informed me that the date for there race 21st June should be changed to tbc for now due to a booking problem with the Olympic Park. It has also been pointed out that this date is also 2 days prior to the Essex 5 mile championships. It might be an opportunity to move the date to a week either side if possible but I guess all depends on whether the booking date is free.
With regard to the minimum age limit the date remains as 15 years of age for the series. However at race level the situation is complicated by not only the fact that we run 5ks and 5 miles which have different limits but also that the races are also run under different licenses Road/xc/ and trail which also slightly differ. A 15 years of age on race day limit would work fine for 5ks across the board and is also ok for a 5 miles road licence but for any 5 mile race held under an EA trail license (eg the Ilford Hilly 5) the age limit should be 17. Thats probably as simplified as I can get it. Alison of BRR is comfortable with changing her race limit to 15 for the Barking 5k and will get back to me after she has spoken to committee. She was however correct in saying that under EA rules under 15s can actually run this distance (as a couple of them did last year). All the best for now and have an enjoyable series. Martin
Subsequent to the meeting George of EERR has informed me that the date for there race 21st June should be changed to tbc for now due to a booking problem with the Olympic Park. It has also been pointed out that this date is also 2 days prior to the Essex 5 mile championships. It might be an opportunity to move the date to a week either side if possible but I guess all depends on whether the booking date is free.
With regard to the minimum age limit the date remains as 15 years of age for the series. However at race level the situation is complicated by not only the fact that we run 5ks and 5 miles which have different limits but also that the races are also run under different licenses Road/xc/ and trail which also slightly differ. A 15 years of age on race day limit would work fine for 5ks across the board and is also ok for a 5 miles road licence but for any 5 mile race held under an EA trail license (eg the Ilford Hilly 5) the age limit should be 17. Thats probably as simplified as I can get it. Alison of BRR is comfortable with changing her race limit to 15 for the Barking 5k and will get back to me after she has spoken to committee. She was however correct in saying that under EA rules under 15s can actually run this distance (as a couple of them did last year). All the best for now and have an enjoyable series. Martin