Elvis Reps Meeting 2022 – minutes
Subject: Elvis Reps Meeting 2022 – minutes Message from Martin Clarke March 3, 2022 10:20 am Hi all, Apologies for not being able to attend last night’s meeting but huge thanks to Sally for stepping in as a worthy deputy. I attach the minutes for your consideration. There’s as slight query on the EERR race date as to whether its Tuesday 21st June or Wednesday 22nd June. Jamie perhaps you can confrim. The only other problem is ELR’s race date who originally proposed the 18th September when normally their slot is the last Sunday of this month which would fall on the 25th . I can understand there may be valid reasons for wanting to move to earlier in the month but this would seriously impact upon other races in what is always a busy month. The 4th is reserved for the Essex Way, The 11th would normally be the Ingatestone 5 but this year we accomodated a requested date swap with the Essex Pleshey half marathon due to problems with their venue on the 18th. So Pleshey is now on the 11th, which clashes with the Havering half, and Ingatestone is on the 18th. Ingatestone 5 is a race that traditionally draws some great support from Elvis Clubs, notably Ilford, Barking and Havering and I would feel extremely uneasy about introducing yet another clash with an Elvis Club. Unfortunately I can’t consider moving Ingatestone even if I wanted to as its been open and taking entries on Entry Central for some little time and has been widely advertised as well as appearing on the Essex website calendar. We have therefore shown the ELR race date as “to be arranged” . Alex I do feel that moving back to your original slot would cause you less problems than going for the 18th unless you can come up with any other alternatives? Best Regards Martin